Raccolta Vinciana

Biennial bulletin of the Ente Raccolta Vinciana  bibliography, documents and Leonardo studies.

ISSN 2038-0917

Editor: Pietro C. Marani

Scientific Committee: Barbara Agosti, Carmen C. Bambach, Giulio Bora, David Alan Brown, Luisa Cogliati Arano, Paola Cordera, Frank Fehrenbach, Maria Teresa Fiorio, Pietro C. Marani

Organization and secretariat: Giuseppe Garavaglia

Founded in 1904 by Luca Beltrami and housed in the Castello Sforzesco, the “Raccolta Vinciana”collection  was established and included in the Civic Historical Archives of the Municipality of Milan in 1905 and transformed into a recognized non-profit organization in 1955. Its directors and presidents, from Ettore Verga to Francesco Flora, from Anna Maria Brizio to Augusto Marinoni, along with the scholars who joined it have contributed to qualify it as an essential  point of reference for “Vincian” studies.

Founded with the aim of collecting what was being published in the world on the person and work of Leonardo, from 1905 the Raccolta Vinciana was endowed with a bibliographical bulletin edited by the Archivio Storico Civico on the initiative of Ettore Verga. The purpose of this bulletin was to give news of its activities, publications and gifts received. In 1939, with the transcription of the Codex Trivulzianus by engineer Nando de Toni (1902-1982), the journal began publishing issues devoted to the systematic edition of the vincian codices. Since the post-World War II period, the Bulletin has qualified as an internationally recognized specialist journal, as an essential information tool to stay informed on worldwide scientifically relevant publications about Leonardo.

Contributions submitted to Raccolta Vinciana are evaluated anonymously by scholars (double-blind peer review) who, due to specific expertise, may also be different from the members of the Scientific Committee.

The journal editors keep, under guarantee of absolute confidentiality, documentation of the evaluation process.

Indexes and abstracts of articles can be found within the relevant issues collected here in pdf format.

Those wishing to publish a contribution in the journal may contact the editor directly or send an email to [email protected].